Features: Automated Lead Capture

LiveComm co-founder, Mitch Stephen, explains one of the features of LiveComm, the Automated Lead Capture System.  

Features: Automated Lead Capture

It shows you how many new people you’ve captured every day…. That’s always interesting to be able to see in real time just how fast your numbers are moving up.


Livecomm has become an invaluable tool for my selling and BUYING real estate needs! I added a Livecomm number to my direct mail material so potential sellers could call and hear a pre-recorded message that I created for this dedicated Livecomm number. When potential sellers call, it captures their number. In one case I was able to return the logged call and speak to the seller and purchase their property, which I ultimately profited over $10,000. This one transaction alone will pay for over 30 years of my Livecomm subscription and since this seller was very timid I may have never made contact with them. But, thanks to little note on my marketing material that says ‘for a free recorded message call 555-555-5555’ I was able to help them get rid of an unwanted property.


Real Estate Agent

Michele Broom is a massage therapist. She uses LiveComm to fill in her cancellations.

“For the longest time I just lost out on last minute cancellations.. I’d have someone scheduled for 3pm and then at 2pm they call to cancel their appointment. There was simply not enough time or an effective/affordable way put the word out about my immediate opening. Now send out a mass text all my clients, “I have an immediate opening today at 3pm…anyone want a message in an hour?” I don’t lose those appointment times anymore. It’s made a huge difference in my weekly income.

Michele Broom

Massage Therapist

Sharon Starkey is a florist. She uses LiveComm to remind her clients that birthday or anniversary is fast approaching .

“The choice to schedule messages and text our clients individually has made a huge difference in my sales. We help people by reminding them of the special dates in their lives; birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day etc., etc. and we never fail to ask, “Would you like us to send flowers?” We hear the word “YES” a lot! It’s a sale we’d probably never get otherwise. The automation makes or life so much easier and once we’ve entered each clients reminder dates, the system just LiveComm more than pays for itself – It’s a profit maker!”

Sharon Starkey


Tom Starns owns a carwash. He uses LiveComm to fill in his slow times.

“Before LiveComm I had to suffer through the slow periods. Today when there’s a lull in my business, I simply text every single customer that has every used our carwash and offer them a special price if they’ll stop by right now. The response is immediate and it works like a charm. LiveComm is incredible!”

Tom Starns

Tom’s Car Wash

Shannon Stephen has a note servicing business. She uses Livecomm to generate new clients all the time.

“The ability to capture the phone number of every prospect that inquires about my service is key. A lot of my current customers started out by listening to a non-confrontational recording I offer in my ads. I point a LiveComm phone number to a FREE RECORDING and when prospects call for that free recording I capture their cell number. Instead of waiting for customers to contact me directly, I am able to contact them and strike up a conversation. This has been a real game changer!”

Shannon Stephen

Real Estate Note Servicing

Mike Powell of Moat Management, LLC is a real estate investor. He uses LiveComm.com to make the task of selling his owner financed houses a non-issue.

“Before Livecomm.com we were having problems selling our properties in a timely fashion. We were also having an issue finding buyers with larger down payments. LiveComm solved these problems. Today I can directly mass text over 4,300 prospects actively seeking to buy a home with owner financing. I notify these prospects when I have new homes in my inventory, when I have price reductions, or when I’m having an open house. It’s so affordable to mass text my clients I use LiveComm every day almost.”

Mike Powell

Moat Management, LLC

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