SMS Marketing with Your Brand Voice: 4 Ways to Maintain Your Identity In Marketing

Before you launch a successful SMS marketing campaign, you need to build an engaging, relatable brand voice. SMS marketing is an effective tool for business owners who want to reach a highly targeted audience, and we’re not just saying that because we’re an SMS marketing company. The numbers speak for themselves. More than 98% of texts get opened, and best of all, every phone receives texts right out of the box.

You get the point. Texts are powerful. In fact, they played a huge role in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Whether you work in e-commerce, a spa or real estate, the best time to tap into SMS marketing is now! Though like everything else, you need a plan before diving into SMS marketing.

Why Consistency in Brand Voice Matters in SMS Marketing

Why aim for consistency in brand voice?

It’s human nature to seek patterns and consistency. Doing things the same way again and again, or sticking to an idea is a powerful persuasion tool. The more consistent you are in your brand, the more likely you’ll be able to persuade prospects and customers! That’s why your SMS marketing message must have a voice that mirrors your brand’s personality.

You can sound authoritative yet sprinkle in a bit of humor at the same time, or you can keep it authentic, cool and adventurous.


These 4 Steps Will Help You Establish and Build Your Brand Voice


Step 1: Figure Out Your Brand Mission and Own It
Have you ever thought about what your mission is as a brand?

Think of your mission as your map that helps define who you are and what you have to offer to the market! Your mission should be concise, confident and compelling, and it should be a guiding philosophy that you can turn to whenever you market to your audience. Before firing off an SMS marketing campaign, ask yourself, “Does this text message align with our brand’s core values and mission?” If the answer is yes, perfect! Click send! If the answer is no, try to rework your message to further your brand’s mission and your company’s objectives.

Step 2: Identify Your Marketing Audience
Once you’ve nailed your mission, it’s time to get to know your text message recipients. Doing so can help you effectively communicate your message and speak in a way that your recipients can relate to.

Begin by narrowing down your demographics into specific archetypes that you’ll use different voices with. Ask and find out:

  • What is their age?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • What time of the day do they usually check or use their phones?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What are they looking for in your brand?

Once you have successfully identified your audience, put yourself in their shoes and tailor your text messages to them. You’re more likely to leave a more lasting impression if you speak in a way they can relate to.

Step 3: Personalize Your Message
After figuring out your brand’s core mission and identifying your target audience’s unique traits, your next step is to craft an SMS marketing message that sounds personal and relatable!

With all the ads and noise competing for your audience’s attention, you need to have a unique brand voice that is easily recognizable and makes your customers feel like you’re speaking directly to them. When a customer reads your message, it should feel like it was prepared just for them—even if you are sending it to thousands of subscribers at once.

Remember the archetypes you built from your SMS audience? Use their preferences and qualities as the foundation of your messaging strategy.

Finally, don’t forget to use your customer’s name at the start of the text! Your recipients are more likely to engage with messages that are directly addressed to them, rather than generalized messages.

Step 4: Leave a Unique Signature
When was the last time you received an SMS from an unrecognized sender?

It’s uncomfortable, right? That’s why it’s important to identify yourself when using SMS marketing. Even if your business has a dedicated short code, your subscribers may not have saved your number.

So, let them know it’s you! By doing this you’ll communicate that you are interested in building a long-term relationship with customers, and you won’t come across as someone eager to just make a quick sale.

SMS marketing has character limits, so keep your signatures distinct and to the point. A pizzeria may consider opening with something as simple as, “Hey there, Joe’s Pizza here.” Or, they could close off with, “- Your friends from Joe’s Pizza.” The point is be brief and relatable!


Mastering Brand Voice in SMS Marketing
The specific message you need to send may change from day to day, but your business’ voice should stay consistent. It’s important to keep things short in text messages, but there’s still plenty of room to be yourself and truly speak to customers. Follow LiveComm’s simple steps and you’ll master your brand with SMS marketing to customers in no time.

Ready to explore how SMS marketing can benefit your business? Contact LiveComm today and start your free trial to experience how easy effective marketing can be!

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